1) Fashion Plates game for $1.50! Hehe! I have always wanted one of these - with the different hairdos, blouses, patterns... All the pieces were there. (yes!) This one's a little outdated - Mama's guess is late 70's, early 80's, before my time. The ruffled tie-blouses and tiered skirts are right up my alley. And if you don't give the girls green eyeshadow (like the example on the box) they could pass! The picture on the cover cracks me up a little (you can barely see her feet poking out under the paper) : she's wearing polka-dotted tights that look like 12-year-old me in the middle of mosquito summer! How many things can go with a too-big sweatshirt? Let's see! I'm going to have to sharpen the pencils soon. They're almost down to the nubs.
2) Vintage sheets for $3 each: one twin flat, one double flat. They were intended for a future as pajamas, but the print is cute, matches my rug, the fabric's soft and my bed is a double! What to do? I could make pjs from the twin, and use the other on my bed...and then no one will be able to find me, I'll blend right in!
And since it's playing on TV, I should mention how much I like the Daisy sour cream commercial. "Do, do, do - do a dollop of Daiseee!
Now - write, knit!
I still can't believe you bought this. I feel I must have really deprived you as a child.
It has been fun to play with tho, hasn't it? My turn next?
Hehe! Not me! We just never happened upon one for a buck and a half. :)
Your turn next totally! We figured out how to stick different heads on the pretty blouses!
Love you@
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