Inside of that
fuzzy green album, I've tucked and stuffed a season's worth of catalog and magazine pages. It's an addictive habit, pulling pretty pictures...one that I started as a home ec project and one that has snowballed into a pile of papers five inches and two folders thick on my bookshelf/bedside table. When my sister gave me this photo album, I knew exactly what I was going to do with it! Finally set to organizing my loot.

A lot of the images are ones that I couldn't afford (i.e. Anthropologie, anyone?) but are always inspiring - especially when it comes to finding modest ways to combine clothing. Like straight denim skirts. What do you wear with them?? And which shoes with which skirts? Having an inspiration book around helps!

A few plain pretty pics tend to find their way in too - as well as home decorating projects that I've just GOT to make for myself one day. Garlands, wreaths...felted sheep teapot cozys?
So, that's my little inspiration book. I'd love to take you through page by page sometime....
P.S. Thanks to the Hungry Little Caterpillar Google logo today: www.ericcarle.com has some really cool tutorials under his video and picture gallery! Now I want to paint some tissue paper and cut out little creatures.
P.S.S. Since Q&A is going around, care to give me some fuel for the next post? Ask a question, any question! (Ok, well not any question...but do ask!)
1 comment:
Sara, I love your blog but it never shows as updated in my blog reader so I miss almost all your posts. I'm so sorry...I do love reading you. Check your settings and make sure that you have it set to allow followers and blog updates to show.
YAY for entering...I am so excited to start my giveaways! Woot!
Peace & Love,
♥ Barb ♥
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