I'm a 23 year old daughter at home, studying for college and getting in my hours for Master Gardeners. I love these Smoky mountains and praise God everyday for having put me in such a cozy nest!
My family helps rescue dogs and take in fosters now and then - so if you see a strange fuzzy face, that's who it is!
I was delighted when an rare opportunity came up to tour a local native plant reserve with my fellow Master Gardeners. And since the tour landed on the very day of my birthday, how could I refuse?
The place was very lovely (the rock work especially). While being a reserve, part of the idea was to demonstrate how native plants can be used in our gardens.
Not that we all live at 5000+ feet.
(I always find myself drawn to the wild bits. Do you?)
1 comment:
Hello! And thank you for leaving a comment on my blog! Your blog is so cute - love it! Nancy
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