I love collies.
One showed up this week in the shelter. We whisked her right home and alerted the Collie Rescue of the Carolinas. Tomorrow we drive her to meet them. It's gonna be hard.
There is something about their sweet intelligent faces always looking out for you...their fluffy elegant manes...their love for work and readiness to learn. Their hardy spirit wraps up adventure and home all in one. They're very American (Lassie, anyone?), but like me, they've been here a long time and trace their roots back to old country, Scotland mostly. So expressive and patient!

(Are the vintage pics in here not the best? That's a way to perk up a day! Look up 'vintage collies' on Flickr.)
You see, my first (and only, in fact!) dog was a collie. That's us playing in the leaves. Her name was Essie (Esther) and she was our nanny-dog.
So when a dog like MaKayla comes along, it's hard to let her go.
It's reminded me...of how much a collie completes a girl like me.
MaKayla and me outside the shelter
FLICKR COLLAGE: 1. the friendship of a collie, 2. Lyle and Scott Cashmere 1954, 3. Collies, 4. Better Homes Garden--Fabtastic Collie in Front of Cottage Door-1927, 5. Growing the crop, 6. Rough Collie Puppy portrait, 7. Our New Collie Friend, Vinnie, 8. Blue merle collie,Vintage photo, 9. Collie in a yard, 10. Nætur Cató resting on the floor, 11. Carolyn 1940s, 12. Sittin' on the dog, 13. furry Friday fun, 14. Lady with collie, 15. 1970's, 16. glory be to dogs Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
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