Days 7 & 8
I was not too perky about this idea of taping all over the page. So...industrial, grungy. We have dozens of rolls of blue painters tape left over, masking tape large and small - I even found some stretchy black electrical tape in Daddy's toolbox. Thank you, Daddy! (Later discovered silver duct tape. Shucks - it would've been nice!) Once I took white paint and dashed a few lines of blue and brown over the pages, they took on a decidedly denim air. And I like that! Still seems more of a background though. Maybe more instructions come later.
The "inchies" page got a makeover. I liked it better before. The recommended matte medium might have made the pictures more receptive to paint. It's hard to make things look like one lovely mass when corners are flopping up every whichaway. ;)
Fun, fun, fun! The pocket-house had me stumped for days (journaler's block?) until a paper doily fell out of some boxes we were unpacking. My little house just HAD to have a paper doily roof. From there, it all turned autumn-yummy. Complete with a neighbor's knitted door. (Heart!) That was a happy accident. Also, my jumping ahead got me a little confused, which explains more "Mansfield Park" pages behind everything. Ah, well.
Since I'm doing 'Soul Journaling' long after the original publishing date and allow myself to peek just one or two days ahead...I hear rumors of paper dolls in the brown paper pocket. Prepare yourselves.
Things I'm Learning To Not Believe:
- I hate blue.
- I hate clutter.
These pages beg to differ.
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