Day 14 - 15 of Soul Journaling.

Hello from our little house! (I still haven't gotten around to giving Mama and I new heads...)

The whole family. (Help! I think I've fallen and can't get up! And my feet are in Eli's face. Whoops!)

Mama and Daddy with Bebe being a bad jumpy puppy. Since Daddy's outfit seems to need explaining... he is wearing a straw-colored cable sweater vest, a blue plaid shirt, and brown cords or khakis (I can't decide). He owns none of the above. At least I let him keep his base-ball cap and tennis shoes! :D

We three girls + The Dog.

Laura and her "zoo".

Woohoo! I made it back to the house first!

We're all snug in our home-sweet-home.
Good night!
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