July 23, 2009

Oh no!

{images from FunkyFrum}

I'm in big trouble. My beloved Google Notebooks are no longer being offered to new users. The old notebooks are still around, but I have an urgent feeling to find new homes for my piles of favorites elsewhere!  There must be a program out there somewhere, just as simple, where you can right-click-save in folders and tags...! Besides my own laptop, of course.

Where do you keep all your online inspirations in check?

You may be expecting an onslaught of fashion/decor/crafty pics soon.

1 comment:

Reborn said...

Hey sweetie! Love the new profile pic.

Thanks for the comment on my blog. I just updated with a new post...

I've been processing a lot of things lately that I don't really want to blog about... lots of life changes (all good!), so I'm taking a sort of involuntary hiatus. I do plan to return!

Keep up the loveliness!


p.s. I can't thank you enough for linking me to Resolved2Worship's xanga! It's my new favorite blog. Alyssa is soooo sweet an inspiring. And it has definitely changed my attitude about having children. :)


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