August 7, 2009

Ruling Passions

Once upon a time...there was a charming little quiz in a gardening book. (I don't remember which one, alas.) After making a  list of 21 favorite plants/uses/accessories, you played them against each other in 'survival of the fittest' until only one remained. 

These are the "Ruling Passions" for my dream garden:

{Ruling Use: A quiet place to drink tea and think.}

{Ruling Sensory Pleasure: Something to taste at every bend.}

{Ruling Emotion: A place to inspire.}

{Ruling Accoutrement: A garden gate that clicks or squeaks.}

{Ruling Plant Category: Herbs.}

{Ruling Plant: Old-fashioned climbing roses.}
Carnation Lily Lily Rose - John Singer Sargent

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