March 5, 2009

Don't Shoot!

When I can't remember what else I needed to get at the library, I tend to grab anything and everything off the shelves. I don't know why...a futile attempt to make the trip worthwhile? Hoping that I'll subconsciously pick something really good? Well, whatever the reason, sometimes it turns out quite nice. Case in point:

How to Photograph Absolutely Everything: Successful Pictures From Your Digital Camera
How To Photograph Absolutely Everything by Tom Ang

I like this book. I can understand this book! The introduction compares taking pictures to cooking,and following the author's "recipe" for Garden Bird photography, I went on a bird hunt today. Prey? An ordinary robin - or even a starling. I didn't much care what. (Did however catch the silhouette of what looks like a cedar waxwing to me - Hmm!)  Catch? This:

It's still nowhere near great, but I got a picture of a bird - and you could tell it was a bird! And you can actually see that it has feathers. That makes me pretty happy. Now...which "recipe" should I try out next?

WARNING: there is a "recipe" for nudes, just so you know. Pretty easy to skip over, I think. 

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