March 9, 2009

Things I Learned in Master Gardeners

North Carolina is one of the few states to still offer free soul soil tests. Check and see if your state has a similar program! It's so easy - and if you take your little box back to the office, you might not even have to pay postage. Nice, eh?

Spring before last, we took a new road though the mountains and were surrounded by clouds of pink, white and rose. They looked like azaleas to me. Could it have possibly been Pinkshell Azalea (Rhododendron vaseyi)? I learned today that these pink flame azaleas are found in only 5 counties - in the world. Can you believe that? (And I just used Latin - yes! How exciting...) I forget sometimes what a horticultural gem mine I'm lucky enough to live in. 

Will spring (and Pinkshell Azaleas) be here soon?

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