September 2, 2009


The beautiful fluffy puppies that I just posted about have parvo and since we're worried about one, I'm up on night duty - Annie shift. 

Bear with me as I distract myself here.

{I wish these pretty little oriental eggplants tasted as good as they look. They're akin to kosher squid substitute IMHO!}

{My favorite part.}

{A FoodNetwork recipe, Giada I think, for eggplant with goat cheese and fresh basil. Balsamic vinegar makes it very fragrant!}

1 comment:

Melissa M. said...

We make something similar to that, which we really like. :) We fry zucchini slices that are coated in olive oil, fresh basil, garlic powder, black pepper, and salt, meanwhile broiling oil-brushed, Ricotta-spread Italian bread in the oven. Add the zucchini on the bread after it's light golden brown. Hope I didn't forget anything, but I guess not.


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